Halloween Scene (above) -
Our last assignment for my "mini" class was to create a spooky Halloween scene. I had a pumpkin on the table as a model and everyone ended up drawing a pumpkin picture!
The assignment was to use both oil pastel and watercolors to create their picture. First, each student used pencil to sketch out their scene on colored artists paper. Then they used oil pastel to add color to the white and bright objects. Last, watercolors were used to fill in the dark spaces and skies. The watercolor does not penetrate areas where the oil pastel has been used - I like to call it magic painting.
I love the contrast of dark and light in their art. It was a fun project, and they are a fun group.
PS - I have one more picture to post after I have the official okay to do so. So check back soon for one more gorgeous pumpkin pic!
Wow, they are all great! I love being able to see their artwork on your blog. Rachel is really enjoying your class. Thanks so much!