Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Watercolor and Pastel Mixed-media Artwork

Thursday, December 3 -
We talked about the French impressionist painter Claude Monet and looked at images of his work. We observed his free and open style, thick brushstrokes and use of color. Then the girls each chose a photograph of a landscape and created these Monet-inspired pictures. The background was completed using watercolor paints and the details were created with oil-pastels over the watercolor painting. It was both messy and fun!






Thursday, December 3, 2009

More Pretty Paintings

The girls finished with their paintings last week. (As for mine, I have a little more work to do on it, but I will post my painting once it is finished too!) The girls did a great job and I think they had a blast mixing and painting.

Painting by Delaney. She did a great job using different brushes to create many textures.

Painting by Kylee. Check out those colors!