Thursday, December 29, 2011

Personalized Pens!

For this project we tapped into our crafty side and explored creating patterns with the use of clay. The girls twisted and molded the clay around the pens to get the effect they wanted and I baked their creations to make them permanently fabulous personalized pens. They were a ton of fun!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Halloween!

A belated happy Halloween to all! We created artwork that was Halloween themed mixed-media on canvas. It was very very fun. We worked with shapes and using all sorts of fun things to create interest and texture. The girls worked with acrillic paint, paper, glue, ribbon, sequins, tissue paper, and little gems. It was a lot of fun.

The Halloween theme seems to be Delaney's specialty!

Patterned Leaf Project

So I told you I am a fair-weather blogger, right? Actually, I am a rainy weather blogger I suppose because I don't think it's quit dripping out there at all today!

I would like to get "caught up" filling you in on some of the wonderful creations the girls have worked on over the last few months. These next few posts may be slightly out of order, but I wanted to share anyway!

Our theme over this session has been shape and pattern and that definitely describes this piece we worked on. We have beautiful leaves inthe fall in Oregon - PLENTY of them. I collected real leaves from around the neighborhood to inspire thegirls. First we traced leaf shapes and then filled them in with fun and exciting patterns. I wish I was able to scan each of theirs in so you could see them all! But I don't always catch them all as they head out the door! - Here is a few from my younger class that I will share. Also one by guest student Olivia (my little girl!)