Delaney was able to complete her wild thing, so I get to add him. He is very wild! Love it. Some things that make this painting successful: the use of complimentary colors, the use of foreground and background, the quality of her brushstrokes. It just makes me happy. I appreciate the time she puts into each piece she creates. This painting turned out beautifully!
So I am totally sorry about this everyone, but blogger is telling me my "images are corrupt," and the only picture it will let me post is this "wild thing" of Alyssa's. I guess the other wild things were just to wild for you all to see!
After studying Sendak's "Where the Wild Things Are" illustrations and working on our scratchboard pictures with my older class, I challenged the students to create their own "wild thing." I encouraged them to base the idea of their character on a person, animal, mood, or some sort of a theme. Each of the four were very different.
First they sketched their ideas, then completed a pencil drawing. They then transferred their drawings to canvas board and painted their pictures with acrillics. Below is their artwork. I LOVE 'em!
Alyssa's ballerina elephant. I believe this one was dedicated to her little sister Jocelyn. Very sweet. I love the roses on stage.
Mikayla's was a very wild, one-eyed teacher wild thing. Emma's was a scary and very wild autumn tree. And like I said, both were "corrupt," so perhaps I can remedy the situation at a later date. Also, Delaney's is coming along beautifully, but she has missed a couple classes due to performances of Le Mis that she has been involved in. I will post her's later on as well once she has been able to complete it.
Thank you for your wonderful comments about my wild thing!